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New Google Glass App Hopes to Be Being John Malkovich for Porn

No one's surprised to see Google Glass being used for porn, but how it's being used for porn is a little surprising.


Google Glass has raised some interesting questions of etiquette. When is it rude to wear a camera on your face? What are acceptable uses for the wearable technology in public? One thing I think everyone can agree on is that watching porn in public makes you a creep, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be an option for Glass users. There’s obviously already a porn app for Glass.

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The app comes courtesy of the kind-of-clever/kind-of-grossly-named MiKandi, Android’s leading porn app developer. They’re currently using Glass to create content, because of course they are. They’re also working on an app that’s expected to be available to Glass users as early as this week, it won’t just be for watching porn. MiKandi co-founder Jennifer McEwen said in an interview with ZDNet:

On top of that, with Glass you can share and interact with fans and followers, allowing them intimate access to your experiences. It’s like being John Malkovich where you’re viewing the world through someone else’s eyes.

Let’s all take a moment to try and get the idea of John Malkovich porn out of our heads. Continue reading when you’re ready.

I think everyone kind of assumed the Glass camera would be used to record porn, and, since it’s a screen attached to the Internet, that Glass would be used to watch porn. What’s interesting about MiKandi’s app is that they seem to be pushing the limits of exactly what Glass is capable of, but they’re doing it with naked people.

I’m all for innovation, and I’m not against porn, but the idea of riding on the subway next to someone “interacting” with porn on Glass skeeves me out. I know not everyone wearing Google Glass will be looking at porn, but now it’s going to be hard to not imagine everyone I see wearing Google Glass looking at porn. It’s sort of like picturing an audience naked, but worse — much much worse.

(via ZDNet, image via Steve Jurvetson)

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Glen Tickle
Glen is a comedian, writer, husband, and father. He won his third-grade science fair and is a former preschool science teacher, which is a real job.

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