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Google News Adds New Features — Google Reader Still Dies Tomorrow

You know what feature would be really great in Google News? Google Reader. That would be a great feature.

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Google is killing Reader tomorrow, and as a sort of consolation prize they’ve added some new features to Google News. There’s now a box that features a four-day forecast of local weather, editor’s picks of stories, and sports scores. This is clearly not going to be replacing Reader for anyone, but it’s always pretty nice to get weather updates.

The weather defaults to the local forecast for your location, but you can also set it for a specific place. It also features links to other weather services like the Weather Channel and the Weather Underground for more detailed information.

Editor’s Picks are limited to the categories of “Technology” and “Business” with more on the way according to Google News Product Manager Anand Paka. It’s easy to click over to different news sources for more picks, but it’s a far cry from something like an RSS reader.

Right now the sports scores are limited to U.S. football, basketball, baseball, and hockey. More countries and sports are planned to arrive in the near future. They might be rolling out the features over time, but right now I can’t see the sports scores box. Which I don’t actually mind. Let me know when they get quidditch scores.

(via The Next Web)

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Glen Tickle
Glen is a comedian, writer, husband, and father. He won his third-grade science fair and is a former preschool science teacher, which is a real job.

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