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‘Grifters gotta grift‘: Russell Brand’s $250 snake oil – sorry, amulet – will totally shield you from logic, reason, and common sense

Russell Brand lost his career in 2023 when a joint investigation between Channel 4’s Dispatches and newspaper The Times uncovered multiple rape and sexual abuse allegations against him.

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It made for truly shocking viewing, and suddenly Brand found himself without a platform on which to share conspiracy theories and other nonsense. So he had to get a new platform, and chose that of the born-again Christian. Now he’s a shameless grifter with only the most right-wing and gullible still paying any attention to what he has to say. Unfortunately, that’s still quite a large group.

Hopefully, though, even they will be put off by Brand’s bizarre new TikTok advert for a “magical amulet from Airestech.” Airetech is a company that claims to provide “bio-protection” against electromagnetic fields, and boy must they be doing badly if Brand is the best spokesperson they can afford.

The ad is… “unhinged” seems the best way of putting it. Brand emerges from a hedge claiming to be “back from Narnia.” He then goes on, “As you know, airports are places full of Wi-Fi and all sorts of evil energies. Think of all the phones out there, all of the signals, corruptible and corrupting.” It’s a bit rich for him to be talking about corruption while he supports Donald Trump.

He then lifts a suitcase up and down a few times while claiming the amulet made him “more powerful,” and declares to the no doubt horrified audience, “You should get one as well. Particularly if you’re going to an airport any time soon because the bloody things are full of lethal signals.” Well… what can you even say to that?

Social media has been pointing and laughing at Brand since the advert dropped, with plenty of people pointing out that Brand is actually wearing a Wi-Fi microphone in the ad. So much for evil energies.

The exact product Brand wants to sell you is the Lifetune Flex, which is worth $239.99 and who knows what it does. One can only hope that Brand will be so broke soon he won’t be able to afford one.

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Sarah Barrett
Sarah Barrett (she/her) is a freelance writer with The Mary Sue who has been working in journalism since 2014. She loves to write about movies, even the bad ones. (Especially the bad ones.) The Raimi Spider-Man trilogy and the Star Wars prequels changed her life in many interesting ways. She lives in one of the very, very few good parts of England.

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