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Pack up the Internet, We’re Done Here: Grumpy Cat Sat On the Iron Throne at SXSWesteros

I usurped the throne once. It was awful.

I can’t decide who I’m more jealous of — Grumpy Cat for getting to sit on the Iron Throne, or the Iron Throne for getting to meet Grumpy Cat? Either way, we would really like to be at SXSW right now, please.

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The Game of Thrones Twitter has some more choice images of the cat taking what is rightfully hers — as well as other images of celebrities ascending to the Iron Throne — but this one might be our favorite of the bunch. Err, litter?

Let’s be real, though: Grumpy Cat is no Targeryen. She would definitely be a Baratheon of Dragonstone. Just look at that sullen face! Not even Stannis himself can reach those levels of grumpiness.

If you haven’t checked out the latest trailer for Game of Thrones’ fourth season, by the way, then click below and get ready to feel some feelings. I hope all you first season Sansa-haters are officially over yourselves, now, speaking of which.

(via Game of  Thrones Twitter)

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