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Harrison Ford, Galaxy’s Most Lovable Grump, Addresses the “Who Shot First” Debate

Sorry about the mess.


If you feel strongly about one of the most oft-debated issues in the nerd universe, Harrison Ford probably has a Han Solo-esque eye roll for you, princess. In a Reddit AMA on Saturday, Ford was asked what really happened in that Mos Eisley cantina, and surprisingly, he doesn’t think Greedo’s to blame.

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Judging from Ford’s interactions with fans during the AMA, he’s grown no less sassy in his old age.  When asked

I think we would all like to know: Who shot first? Han Solo or Greedo?

Ford responded,

I don’t know and I don’t care.

There we have it, sportsfans! The debate is still as open as the belly of a tauntaun, although Han Solo himself says it’s a non-issue. Other semi-surprising facts from this weekend’s Q and A? Ford himself actually likes snakes, and no, he does not carry a whip or keep a walking carpet around the house. Disillusioning, I know.

The actor also encouraged participants to watch his new environmental docu-series Years of Living Dangerously and take action against climate change, although God knows how I will be able to focus on the environment with pressing issues like Greedo v. Solo left unresolved.

(via i09 and Reddit and The Mary Sue, images via Star Wars)

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