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Hayley Atwell Talks Agent Carter Future, Definitely “100%” Interested In Peggy Carter Movie

First we need that renewal, ABC.

Agent Carter may never get a second season, but damn if we’re giving up hope yet. We will sit here pining until the day our hopes are dashed and will pout on for a long time after if that dashing comes to fruition. And regardless, we’re always going to want to hear what Hayley Atwell has to say about Peggy Carter and her life.

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The most recent thoughts we’ve gotten from her come via this week’s Emerald City Comic-Con, where Atwell was asked all sorts of questions about her hopes for Peggy’s future. Her answer when a fan inquired if she’d be interested in taking Peggy back to the big screen for a solo movie was pretty much what you’d expect (“yes, 100%) and also delved into some of those hopes:

I’d like to see her vulnerability. I think sometimes we can depict woman as strong like it’s a new thing — we’ve always been strong, that’s ridiculous. But I’d like to see her vulnerability. No matter how hard life gets, we can only be strong for so long, before we grab the ice cream and cry into the television. I’d like to see that. The charm of Peggy is that she doesn’t have any superpowers. I’d like to see her everyday life back at home, the loneliness, the cost of what it means to be living this life. I think that’s real.

She also talked about what it’s like to kiss Chris Evans, which is of course not crucial to the work but, y’know, good to know:

He’s got very soft lips. He smells really good. He’s very hygienic.

Good to know indeed.

She also talked about what she wants from the future of Agent Carter in general:

I would like one of two things – I’d really like to explore her background of where she’s come from, what her family was like, what created this exceptionally strong and unique woman, and who it was in her life that told her she could be just as good — or better — as the guys. Secondly, I’d like to go a few years in the future, to see how she tackles being a mother and a wife, as well as being kick-ass in the office.

GIVE US THAT SECOND SEASON, ABC. C’mon. I know you can do it.

She also mentioned how she thinks Peggy would react to 2015:

I think she’d be relieved that the world had caught up with her. She’s a woman who was ahead of her time. I think she’d fit now. She’d probably be running the country.

Damn straight.

(Images via ABC, Marvel Entertainment)
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Alanna Bennett
Alanna is a pop culture writer who works as the Weekend Editor for The Mary Sue, an entertainment writer for Bustle, and a freelancer for everywhere. She has a lot of opinions about Harry Potter and will 100% bully you into watching the shows that she loves. Don't worry, it's a sign of friendship.

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