Watch This Hermit Crab Try On A Bottle
i'll just leave this here
I’ve owned a few hermit crabs in my life and I admit to being extremely curious about what their shell-changing activities are like. I’ve sat and stared at their habitat for hours waiting to see what it looks like but sadly, the hermit crabs were too shy, they always changed sometime in the middle of the night. Now I’m sure there’s a few videos on youtube depicting the act but I’ll admit, I was a bit too scared too seek them out. Although I was interested enough to own them as pets, I feared what the other half of them looked like. I imagined something akin to the Alien facehuggers and then ran away screaming in terror. Well, it’s certainly not that bad but I still squirmed while watching this particular video, showing a hermit crab being a bit picky about his next home. Take a look.
(via io9)
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