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Let’s Count the Ways In Which Fox’s New Show by the Writer of Pacific Rim Is Loco Bonkers Ridiculous [VIDEO]

The first trailer for Hieroglyph starts with ancient Egypt, which is a pretty standard subject nowadays. Then… a mysterious scroll. The Pharaoh in a crop top. Posterior nudity…. VAMPIRES?! Where is he pulling that knife from?! And again: WTF VAMPIRES?! This looks stupid, but then so did Pacific Rim, at least in terms of its premise. (“Oh my God there are giant monsters from another dimension attacking us whatever shall we do oh I know let’s build giant robots to punch them with!“) And that turned out well. I’m hoping for something tonally Pacific Rim and Sleepy Hollow-esque here. Own your craze, Hieroglyph. Own your craze.

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Under the cut you’ll find a clip from another just-greenlit show that’s been on our radar: Selfie, aka that revisionist My Fairy Lady sitcom with Karen Gillan and John Cho. They’re both in the clip, and Cho’s wearing a stellar bowtie. It’s all good.

(via: Collider, The Hollywood Reporter)

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