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Want to Write for Geekosystem? Good News! We’re Hiring!

Dinosaurs need not apply. Actually, never mind. We'd love to work with a dinosaur.

trex help wanted

Geekosystem is currently seeking smart, talented, and generally pleasant geeks for a three month full-time paid fellowship position in our New York City office. If you’re interested, read this post and follow the instructions.

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Ideal Candidate

Our ideal candidate is Batman, but people keep telling us he’s not real. In lieu of hiring Batman, we’d like to find someone with a keen eye on the news that geeks care about, as well as the ability to present it to our readers in an entertaining but informative way.

Strong writing skills and experience with WordPress are key. Basic photo editing skills are a plus, and the ability to edit audio and video would be useful as well.

A candidate who could work in our New York office is preferred.


Our fellow will be responsible for writing and editing stories in our various coverage areas from an educational and informative standpoint. This will include news stories, original features, lists, and more. We need someone smart, creative, and open to exploring all things geek.

Occasionally team Geekosystem has been called upon to perform difficult tasks like ranking different flavors of cereal, sampling weird candy, or photoshopping Snoop’s head onto Godzilla’s body.

How to Apply

Send your resume, cover letter, and at least two relevant writing samples to our office manager Taylor,

Besides the standard fare, please tell us a geek news story you saw in the past few weeks that you think the media got wrong — even us, if you happen to think we got something wrong — and how you would have handled the story differently. It will help us focus on identifying particularly strong candidates based on a very specific rubric of detailed criteria and this sentence is intentionally long and boring so most people stop reading it and move on to the next paragraph ignoring the key application requirement that follows. In your cover letter, include your contingency plan should a robot uprising break out while we’re in the office. We’re on the fifth floor of our building, if that affects your planning.

We look forward to going through the applications and hiring a great new geek. If you think you’re the right person (or dinosaur) for the job, please apply.

(Image via Allison Marchant)

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Glen Tickle
Glen is a comedian, writer, husband, and father. He won his third-grade science fair and is a former preschool science teacher, which is a real job.

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