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Katie Holmes, Possibly Taylor Swift Join the Cast of The Giver

And So It Begins

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Soon, Lois Lowry‘s beloved novel The Giver will join the ranks of young adult books that have made it to the big screen. Come on, you know you’ve been waiting for this since you were twelve and checked it out of the school library. It’s one of the classic dystopias for young readers, with its creepy community of too-perfect people who see everything in black and white (literally).

It has already been announced that Brenden Thwaites will play Jonas, the young boy who realizes that maybe things in his perfect world aren’t so great after all. Now we also know that Katie Holmes will play Jonas’s mother, “a strict obeyer of the laws that govern what is described as an antiseptic society,” which is a bit surprising considering she’s only about ten years older than Thwaites, but, hey, I’m onboard. There have also been rumors of Taylor Swift, who would presumably play one of Jonas’s friends, joining the production.

According to Vulture:

Harvey Weinstein allegedly offered [Swift] a supporting role at the premiere of One Chance, and she is already buddies with Brenton Thwaites (Jonas), according to the tabloid [“Page Six”].

It looks like the kid characters are being bumped up in age quite a few years, but that’s quite common with this kind of adaptation. I’m not too worried. After all, Meryl Streep (as the Chief Elder) and Jeff Bridges (as the eponymous Giver) will also appear, which is pretty much a recipe for awesome.

(via: Hollywood Reporter, Vulture)

Previously in The Giver

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