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Hotels Add Tracking Chips to Towels to Prevent Theft

You know how half of the towels you’ve accumulated over the course of your life were stolen from hotels? Miami-based Linen Technology Tracking has patented an RFID chip that can survive a wash. They can be sewn into linen, robes and towels as an attempt to curb hotel thievery, as well as to track hotel inventory.

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Currently, three hotels in Honolulu, Manhattan and Miami are using the chips, and the Honolulu hotel claims it has saved over $16,000 per month by reducing pool towel theft from 4,000 towels stolen to only 750. Reportedly, hotels are using the chips due to the rising cotton prices, and not solely because they are sick of us pilfering their seemingly inexpensive inventory.

(The New York Times via The Next Web)

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