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How to Remove the Watermark on TikTok Posts

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TikTok, I have had it to fucking here with you.

You think you can just claim our videos as yours just because you put your little bitch-ass WATERMARK on them!?

*tears hair and shreds clothing*

What if I march into the TikTok headquarters, break down the door to the CEOs office, Zorro cut their pants off with my fine blade of Toledo steel, and then personally TATTOO my full Christian name on their asscheeks. Does that mean I OWN THEM!?!??!!?

Because that’s what you’re trying to tell ME, TikTok. Every single time you put your little watermark on one of my videos, it’s like you are PERSONALLY TATTOOING MY ASS CHEEKS. It’s like you’re taking your little TikTok flag and shoving it right up my butt while saying “I claymeth this lande in the nayme of Tik! God sayve the Tok!” HOW FUCKING DARE YOU.

So here’s what I’m gonna do… I’M GONNA CROP YOU OUT.

How to get rid of TikTok’s watermark

Open your photos. Tap the vid you want to decolonize. Select “edit” on the top right corner. Tap the “crop” icon from the row of options you see before ye. Pinch and zoom to edit the dimensions of the video and CROP OUT THAT FILTHY WATERMARK.

There are other ways to do it, namely you can find an app that does it for you. I’ve heard that SaverTok can work and there is a free version. But PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THAT SHIT. DON’T SPEND YOUR HARD EARNED DOLLARS ON A SHITTY APP OR TRY TO DO IT ON A SKETCHY WEBSITE. IT REALLY ISN’T WORTH IT. DON’T THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY, THINK OF YOUR FAMILY.

I wish TikTok had thought of my family when they made that watermark.

(Featured image: TikTok)

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Sarah Fimm
Sarah Fimm (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.

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