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Ignore Stephen Baldwin: Restore Joss Whedon

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As our sister site Mediaite has noted, there’s a campaign underway to restore nominal Baldwin brother Stephen Baldwin to good standing, spearheaded by none other than … Stephen Baldwin. Hmm. Well, now there’s a grassroots campaign in service of someone we really care about: cult director Joss Whedon, of Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc. fame. Appropriately enough, the campaign is called “Ignore Stephen Baldwin: Restore Joss Whedon.”

Even though Whedon’s in a pretty good place right now — he’s going to direct The Avengers and vet the script for Captain America, after all — the trailer after the jump echos the sentiment of many Whedon cultists that he’s been given a raw deal. It also contains some NSFW language, assuming you regularly blast the audio of YouTube videos you’re watching in your workplace, and, more importantly, drops a Serenity spoiler, so: Be warned.

(h/t AV Club)

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