A Map of the Social Internet in 2010
If you’ve got every xkcd comic etched forever into your mind, you may remember a 2007 “map of online communities and related points of interest.” It’s a little outdated to look at now (MySpace is practically the size of China!), which is why social media marketing company Flowtown put together an updated map for 2010.
We have a few beefs with it — the biggest is probably that the original’s Ocean of Subculture is wiped out, meaning large social news sites like Digg, Reddit, Fark and such are absent representation while the likes of Foursquare and Imeem get seats at the table, but it’s well-researched and witty, with lots of little jokes interspersed throughout. A few we like: The former kingdom of MySpace; the Thin Line Strait between dating sites and porn sites; the cape of Hitler Downfall remake videos.
Click to see full-sized.
Context: Original xkcd:
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