Pokémon is Sort of, Not Really, Coming to iPhone
The bad news is that Nintendo, who own about a third of the Pokémon franchise, maintain that they have no plans on ever bringing a full-fledged Pokémon game to a third-party mobile device. Or any game, for that matter. The worst news is that it’s not even a full-fledged Pokémon game. Yes, there are monsters which are pocket-sized involved, but the forthcoming game is based around card and rhythm-matching mechanics. Perhaps its best that this game isn’t likely to see release out side of Japan.
Interestingly, Nintendo’s continued abhorrence of mobile gaming comes despite a 5% stock bump at the news of a mobile Pokémon game. If money won’t shift Nintendo, then nothing will.
(image and story via MobileCrunch, Engadget)
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