Is ‘Maxton Hall’ Dubbed?
You may have had your fill of private high school dramas, but if you haven’t watched Maxton Hall, you’re missing out. Nothing beats a plot that started out because the protagonist was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
But we’re not about to watch a murder mystery here. Ruby sees her schoolmate in a rather … compromising situation and walks away from the scene of the crime. This drama wouldn’t be complete without the rich guy who tries to solve everything with cold, hard cash. James, the brother of the girl involved in the scandal, reaches out to Ruby and attempts to buy her silence.
Because Ruby is definitely a boss, she walks away from him and calls him “a bigger asshole than she thought.” She says this in German, of course. Since I’m no German speaker, I’m thankful that Amazon Prime Video has English subtitles available for the first season of Maxton Hall. However, anyone who either wants or needs audio instead is currently out of luck, as there’s no English dub of Maxton Hall.
You might not be able to listen to Maxton Hall absentmindedly while doing work, but it’s a series worth tuning in to. The episodes run at a fast pace, and there are no dull moments to be had. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to take your eyes off once you start watching anyway. It’s hard to look away when the tension between Ruby and James is that intense.
Seeing Ruby put James in his place will always be satisfying. They’re such polar opposites, but it’s not hard to see why they work extremely well together as the episodes pass. The only crime this drama has committed is that it hasn’t released a second season yet.
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