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J.K. Rowling Should Apologize For Supporting Johnny Depp, Not Killing Snape


Here’s a tradition we didn’t ask for: J.K. Rowling apologizing for killing off characters on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. Sure, the event is fictional, but the pain derived from it is so very real.

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It all started in 2015 with her spilling words of apology for the death of beloved wolf Marauder Remus Lupin, and she continued in 2016 with Fred Weasley—not that it has offered much comfort. It’s like walking up to someone after burying their beloved pet and saying, “Sorry I fed Mr. Meebles chocolate.” Those words are meaningless!

This year, the J.K. Rowling Internet Apology For Killing All Your Faves Tour included Severus Snape  (snarky professor and unsung hero or the ultimate Mr. Nice Guy Creeper depending on your perspective) as the guest of honor and I have one plea: Stop saying sorry! What’s done is done and there can be no undoing so these are just stirring up bad memories I’d like to continue to repress. Also, she needn’t apologize for making editorial decisions like that because she is the author and Harry Potter is her story. However, there is something else she really needs to atone for.

Remember when she praised the casting of Johnny Depp as Grindelwald? No? Here’s what she said according to BuzzFeed: “I’m delighted. He’s done incredible things with that character.” If you mean ruining my appetite by going from the gorgeous yoga-loving unicorn that is Colin Farrell to a man who allegedly beat his wife and accused her of being a golddigger? Yeah, not okay.  She also told MTV News, “I feel he’s got quite an interesting approach to creating a character. It’s a privilege to work with someone like that.” How about no?

Now would be a great time for Rowling to condemn the casting of a domestic abuser in her franchise since she has no qualms about speaking up on other issues. Just saying…

(via i09, image: Daniel Ogren/Wikipedia)

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