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This Japanese Doctor Who Parody Is the Weirdest Thing You’ll See All Day

"Sonic Screw Sword! Go!"

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If you’re not quite sure what you just watched, trust me when I say you’re not alone. The YouTube video description was the uploader found the clip “on [an] old video tape [from the] 1970’s? 80’s?” And Dave Hill says on his blog that it’s “a modern parody of both Doctor Who and this particular sort/era of Japanese TV show.” Whatever it is, watching it it has left me completely unsure of my place in the universe. Who am I? Why does this video exist? Why do the Daleks have legs? When will I be able to get that music out of my head? Where can I get a Sonic Screw Sword that doubles as a… kazoo/xylophone?

(via io9)

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