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This Bodes Well: The Jem and The Holograms Movie Starts Filming In 3 Weeks

Allow me to Liz Lemon this – SHUT IT DOWN. 

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When I first heard there was going to be a live-action Jem and the Holograms from Jon M. Chu, I was actually pretty excited. I was a huge fan of the group, show, dolls, etc. growing up and I was interested to see what they would come up with, even if the concept did leave something to be desired.

But then original Jem series creator Christy Marx revealed she wasn’t going to be involved with the project, or had even been approached originally (Chu later spoke with her.). She also pointed out there wasn’t a women to be found working on the project.


Now, Collider has talked with Jason Blum, one of the producers on the film, and received a few more details.

“Most of the time, low-budget wide release is scary, but if you have a brand, I think you can do a low-budget wide release movie that isn’t necessarily scary,” Blum said. “So, that’s why we’re doing Jem.  It’s our model, it’s just a different genre.  It’s Jon M. Chu directing, and he’s awesome.”

He also added they’ll be going for a PG-rated film and, “We start shooting right away. Very soon. In like three weeks.”

Reminder, this film was announced last month. I mean sure, Jem could be done low-budget but between that and what seems to be a rush job, I am not hopeful for the end result.

The team had also asked for fans to give input on costumes and casting of which they say they’ve received thousands. Here’s an update video they posted with a few of them, including straight-up audition tapes. They should maybe consider hiring a few of them.

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Jill Pantozzi
Jill Pantozzi is a pop-culture journalist and host who writes about all things nerdy and beyond! She’s Editor in Chief of the geek girl culture site The Mary Sue (Abrams Media Network), and hosts her own blog “Has Boobs, Reads Comics” ( She co-hosts the Crazy Sexy Geeks podcast along with superhero historian Alan Kistler, contributed to a book of essays titled “Chicks Read Comics,” (Mad Norwegian Press) and had her first comic book story in the IDW anthology, “Womanthology.” In 2012, she was featured on National Geographic’s "Comic Store Heroes," a documentary on the lives of comic book fans and the following year she was one of many Batman fans profiled in the documentary, "Legends of the Knight."

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