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J.K. Rowling Wins Damages, Donates to Charity After Her Law Firm Leaks Her Pseudonym

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After it was leaked that she wrote The Cuckoo’s Calling under the pseudonym Robert GalbraithJ.K. Rowling has received damages from the law firm that let the information slip.

How did it all go down? Where did the money go? Answers under the cut.

The news was revealed in a Sunday Times article. The reporter was told the true identity of Cuckoo’s author by someone who themselves got the information directly from Rowling’s legal representation.

Writes the Times, Rowling was “left dismayed and distressed by such a fundamental betrayal of trust,” and understandably so. The book, however, has been incredibly successful—and was even prior to all of the publicity. It got strong reviews and positive attention as a solid, well-written mystery story. The public finding out that the Harry Potter scribe was at the helm may have shot up the sales, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t get traction without Rowling’s name attached.

After Galbraith’s true identity was leaked all parties involved agreed to give payment in the form of damages to Rowling by way of donating the money to The Soldier’s Charity, an organization that aids current soldiers and veterans as well as their families.

Reports BBC News, Rowling:

“said she had ‘always intended’ to give the charity ‘a donation out of Robert’s royalties’ but ‘had not anticipated him making the bestseller list a mere three months after publication’…”

Keep in mind that this is the woman who dropped her billionaire status because of the enormous amounts of money she donated to charity, so this plan doesn’t seem likely to be an afterthought. Furthermore, considering that the book itself is about veterans and soldiers, her choice of organization certainly makes sense.

(via BBC News)

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