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J.K. Rowling Addresses Fan Questions About Voldemort’s Virginity. Because That Is A Question Someone Had.

Well, it's hard when you live on the back of someone's head.

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— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 17, 2014

Did Voldemort have time to lose his virginity while he was busy securing immortality? That query was posted originally on Quora, then caused quite the stir on Slate. One fan even dared to ask J.K. Rowling herself if  He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named ever got his parsel tongued, and Rowling answered in typical classy fashion.

You can see more of the dubious debate over Voldemort’s sex life on Rowling’s Twitter. Or just read fan fic, in which case the answer would obviously be no.

(via Neatorama)

Previously in The Boy Who Lived

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