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John Barrowman Is Leaving Room In His Schedule for Doctor Who‘s 50th Anniversary. Your Move, Moffat.

Hello Sweetie

John Barrowman has made no secret of the fact that he’d reprise his Doctor Who role of Captain Jack Harkness “at the drop of a hat.” With the show’s 50th anniversary coming up next year, it looks like the perfect opportunity for the immortal and, er, amorous Captain Jack to make a triumphant return.

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But what about Arrow? you might say. John Barrowman’s doing another show now—if there’s a scheduling conflict, surely the show on which he’s a current character comes first!

Not so fast!

Though Barrowman has expressed his interest in expanding his Arrow role, that of the nefarious Malcolm Merlyn, into a series regular, he says he’s already cleared time off with the producers just in case he’s called to do the 50th anniversary.

“I’d love to be a regular on the show just to continue the role. I love playing [Malcolm]…[Producer] Andrew [Kreisberg] has already said to me if they want me in the 50th anniversary, he will give me the time off from Arrow to do it.”

C’mon, Steven Moffat. Bring back Jack. Don’t make me (and John Barrowman. And, I’m guessing, a lot of our readers) give you the puppy dog eyes!

(via: blastr)

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