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Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Norman Reedus Star In Too-Good-To-Be-True Casting Rumors

Today is a Good Day For Someone Else To Die

I’m almost sorry to tell you about these casting rumors. The inevitable choosing of different actors, however good they might be, will surely be met with a twinge of disappointment. Why do I say “inevitable”? Because Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Norman Reedus couldn’t possibly be in the Sandman and The Crow movies, respectively. The universe just doesn’t love us that much.

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First, Sandman: There’s been no official announcement that the movie will even exist. As always, keep your skeptic’s cap firmly in place. “Trusted sources” told Badass Digest that David Goyer pitched a Sandman movie to Warner Bros. and that “the studio has been very receptive.” The rumor also states that Gordon-Levitt is “involved, almost certainly intending to play Morpheus.”

The first part of that rumor would certainly make a lot of sense. Sandman’s first new issue in years has just come out (read Susana’s review here), which means it’s a very buzzy property at the moment. Plus Goyer was instrumental in bringing Christopher Nolan‘s Batman trilogy to the big screen, so it’s not like it’s some random dude saying “Hey, Warner Bros., make my Sandman movie!” Multiple people have tried and failed to bring the iconic series to live, but even Neil Gaiman believes an adaptation is “inevitable.” He also said a TV adaptation instead a movie would be “cool too. I would absolutely watch the HBO Sandman.

As for Gordon-Levitt, well, what comic book movie hasn’t he been rumored for? I almost expect another site’s “trusted sources” to come forward and say he’s being considered for Wonder Woman. In an interview with Comic Book Resources Gaiman shared some dream casting (har har) of his own:

“I would happily watch Tom Hiddleston or Benedict Cumberbatch as the Dream Lord in the movie. Or somebody else, who’s yet to graduate — as long as they’ve got good cheekbones!”

Priorities: Mr. Gaiman has them.

As for Reedus, he’s being rumored for a supporting role in that Luke Evans-starring The Crow remake. This unsubstantiated rumor comes from Schmoes Know, which has an anonymous source who tells them Reedus is the “top choice” to play a character named James. Who in the sweet Goth hell is James? No clue. But if (and that’s a big if) Reedus ends up playing the role, it’d better be a big one. You don’t put Daryl Freaking Dixon in a genre movie and only give him a few scenes.

(via: /Film, blastr,

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