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‘Jujutsu Kaisen’ Season 2 Ending, Explained

Yuji Itadori at the last episode of Jujutsu Kaise Season 2 summoning a cursed spirit out of the river.
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MAPPA’s animators graced the anime community with epic battles and unforgettable moments in Jujutsu Kaisen season 2. Anime fans expected the second season to conclude with a bang, but it ended with an unnerving silence.

Despite the absence of explosive fights, Episode 23 of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 was unsettling. Gojo Satoru has been taken away by Kenjaku in the prison realm. Tokyo Jujutsu High’s principal has been sentenced to death, and Yuji Itadori’s execution has been reinstated. To make matters worse, Gojo Satoru has been blamed for the Shibuya Incident. The higher-ups intend to keep him sealed.

All of this while cursed spirits threaten to wreak havoc all across Japan because of Kenjaku’s plan. Throughout his long life, Kenjaku has made several binding vows with many sorcerers for them to be revived during the new Heian period of jujutsu. Essentially, Kenjaku wanted to turn Japan into a battle royal arena for sorcerers. During his conversation with Tsukumo Yuki, he revealed that external threats, or anything for that matter, concern him. All Kenjaku cares about is making sorcerers “evolve” through what will be known as the Culling Game, where only the strongest sorcerers could ever hope to survive.

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 featured a subtle theme throughout its episodes. Strength and talent don’t matter. Those morally bankrupt can and will pull the dirtiest tricks off in order to survive and get stronger. This is seen among the villains, mainly Mahito, Kenjaku, and Sukuna. They were clearly vying to be stronger, even if it caused great suffering to others.

But sorcerers aren’t exempt from this greed either, as seen with the Jujutsu higher-ups and how they’ve shifted the blame entirely on Satoru. Another repulsive example is Mei Mei and how she grooms her little brother to have control over his cursed technique. On the other hand, those who have strong principles or personal attachments can be brought down—even if they were born with exceptional gifts or unusual strength.

Will the third season be brutal? Probably, but Tsukumo Yuki and Okkotsu Yuta, both Special Grade sorcerers, are now in Japan to help. Despite his looming death, Itadori Yuji has grown stronger, and Kenjaku notably “expects more” of Yuji. This could indicate that Yuji still has a long road ahead of him, and it would be cruel considering that he finally got to meet a brother of his that he didn’t know existed. Either way, anime fans will just have to wait and see what Jujutsu Kaisen Season 3 has in store for them.

(featured image: MAPPA)

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Vanessa Esguerra
Vanessa Esguerra (She/They) has been a Contributing Writer for The Mary Sue since 2023. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Economy, she (happily) rejected law school in 2021 and has been a full-time content writer since. Vanessa is currently taking her Master's degree in Japanese Studies in hopes of deepening her understanding of the country's media culture in relation to pop culture, women, and queer people like herself. She speaks three languages but still manages to get lost in the subways of Tokyo with her clunky Japanese. Fueled by iced coffee brewed from local cafés in Metro Manila, she also regularly covers anime and video games while queuing for her next match in League of Legends.

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