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Confirmed: Jurassic World Is a Sequel, Not a Reboot

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We know something about Jurassic World! *Pterodactyl screech*

I’m not quite sure why, but since it was announced that Jurassic World is happening people have just assumed it to be a remake of Jurassic Park, aka the most perfect film ever made. I’m not exempt from that. Luckily for reboot haters, director Colin Trevorrow has taken to Twitter to reassure one of your brethren that, nope, we’re looking at a sequel. Via Collider:

Karn Bains ‏@pfcbains916
@colintrevorrow Mr. Trevorrow, everytime I read something, it says JW is a reboot. Please tell us that its not a reboot?! I’m going bonkers!

Colin Trevorrow ‏@colintrevorrow
@pfcbains916 Reboot is a strong word. This is a new sci-fi terror adventure set 22 years after the horrific events of Jurassic Park.

This adds some potential validity to the plot summary we heard about before, in which someone’s stepped into John Hammond’s shoes and actually figured out how to make a dinosaur theme park work. Important to note is that we don’t know whether Jurassic World will carry over any of the characters from the original trilogy—Ty Simpkins, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Nick Robinson are all playing new characters—so while it’s not technically a reboot, it could still effectively be a reboot.

But existing in the same universe as the first film means we could conceivably get some crossover. There could be Ian Malcolm. I was a little bit taken aback by the 22 year gap—Jeff Goldblum looks older, but not that much older, right? Then I realized that by the time Jurassic World comes out in summer 2015 it will indeed have been 22 years since Dr. Malcolm’s glistening torso changed all of our lives forever.

I’m going to go sit in a corner and shake now.

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