Justin Bieber x Slipknot. ‘Nuff Said.
While I will confess that I am neither an aficionado of Justin Bieber nor of Slipknot, this is the most wizardly mash-up I have heard in quite a while. Artist Isosine, a.k.a. Steven Nguyen, explains the magic:
[The songs were mixed in] Ableton Live. The vocal recording is from Rock Band when you don’t play anything, it gets most of the other tracks out of the way, but there are still some residual stuff like drums.
The screams were left unaffected since I didn’t hear any specific pitch to them. Plus tuning the screams made them sound wonky. However, the chorus is +5 steps up. It has doubled effect because there are actually three vocal tracks playing during the chorus. +5 (the one you hear the most), -7 (give it some beef and thicken the track), -7 (another one with a slightly different formant to make sound a little more natural).
(via G4)
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