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Aliens and Robots Go Head-to-Head (Head-to-Dome?) In This Amazing Short Film [VIDEO]

It Came From Outer Space

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R´ha [short movie] from Kaleb Lechowski on Vimeo.

R’ha is a six-minute short film about a war between robots and aliens. 22-year-old German film student Kaleb Lechowski created it over a period of seven months on a computer with the help of a second person doing voice-acting and a third on sound. The story is basic but good, the characters are well-developed, and the visual effects and world-building are tremendous. Simply put, with very little by way of money and resources Lechowski was able to create an amazing movie. The Hollywood Reporter notes that he already has representation and has caught the eye of several studio execs, and it’s easy to see why. Something tells me we’ll be hearing more about this particular director in the years to come.

(via: The Hollywood Reporter)

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