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Karen Gillan’s Caught the Capaldi Bug, Says We’re in “Safe Hands” With New Doctor

Fuckity yay!

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Let’s be real. Karen Gillan could go on to be the first Scottish woman to travel to Jupiter using a spaceship she built herself with melted-down Academy Awards she’d also won, and people would still be asking her about Doctor Who. But she was happy to talk about the show’s future while promoting her new ABC Comedy Selfie at the Television Critics Association press tour this week.

“I’m so exited,” she told reporters. “I was actually there when Peter Capaldi walked onto the set for the first time and it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.”

She’s referring to the day she filmed her small cameo in last year’s “The Time of The Doctor” Christmas Special, in which she appears to Eleven just before he regenerates into Twelve. But I also kind of want to believe that she used to just stop by whenever she was back in the UK and would hang out in the back to heckle Matt Smith during takes. Tell me you wouldn’t watch a two-hour long Doctor Who Confidential of the two of them bickering while Jenna Coleman looks on helplessly.

Anyway, Gillan had more to say about the switch between doctors—apparently it was just as abrupt for the crew as it was for the audience. “Literally, it was one in and one out. Matt Smith left the studio and then Peter Capaldi, the new Doctor, walked in. I was there for both of them and I was like, ‘Whoa, it really is that fast of a changeover!'”

But the show is “in safe hands,” she stresses, and while she’s currently focused on the upcoming Selfie (which is… um, still a thing), she would love the chance to continue working in genre fiction, especially sci-fi.

“Science fiction has been the best for me,” she said. “I want to continue working in genre, because I think it has amazing female roles and we get to do a range of emotions—comedy and drama.”

Gillan’s Guardians of the Galaxy co-star, Zoe Saldana, expressed similar sentiments recently as well. Hey, I know they’re currently on opposite teams right now, but Nebula and Gamora should totally have their own Thelma and Louise-style spin-off where they traverse the cosmos gettin’ into fights and just generally being awesome. You’d all watch that, right?

(via IGN, image via Gage Skidmore)

Previously in Doctor Who

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