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Watch the Pilot of Karen Gillans’ New Sitcom Selfie and See If It’s as Bad as the Trailer Made It Look

Memories of having thrown up in my mouth.

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When we saw the trailer for Karen Gillan and John Cho’s Selfie, an updated My Fair Lady with a social media slant, we were… distressed. Distressed and vaguely nauseous. But, as some of our commenters pointed out, trailers have been misleading before, and they will be again. Now the entire first episode is out and available for free streaming, so we can get a better impression of whether Gillan and Cho are wasting their talents on unfunny clichéd bullcrap or not.

I’ve only watched the first few minutes, because I am a professional person doing a professional job at my professional office right now (she says, just having Photoshopped the Fellowship of the Ring onto someone’s butt), but if one of you slackers can sit through the whole thing, report back and let us know how many brain cells you have left.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)

Previously in Selfie

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