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Kesha Says She Was Offered “Freedom” If She Apologized and Withdrew Rape Claims

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The news that Kesha’s bid for injunction to get out of her contract with Dr. Luke was denied was heartbreaking, and brought to light many of the ways that women are pressured to stay quiet about abuse. Carolyn wrote about how lots of voices, especially influential public ones, criticized Kesha for not fitting in the mold of a “perfect victim,” which unfortunately makes visible the reason that so many women don’t talk about their assaults or have trouble coming to terms with them in the first place.

More recently, Kesha posted an picture on Instagram about an alleged offer on the condition she publicly retract her statements. The Instagram reads, “so. I got offered my freedom IF i were to lie, I would have to APOLOGIZE publicly and say that I never got raped. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS behind closed doors. I will not take back the TRUTH. I would rather let the truth ruin my career than lie for a monster ever again.” A source told Rolling Stone that this option was proposed “a couple months ago,” but the magazine reports that its “unclear…whether that option occured during formal settlement talks between the two parties or if the idea was simply proposed to Kesha’s team.” A spokesperson for Dr. Luke gave a statement, which continues to deny Kesha’s testimony.

I imagine freedom from being forced to stay in a legal tie with her abuser was a hard thing to see within her reach for Kesha. To come to terms with one’s own status as survivor and to deal with the treatment survivors of abuse are subjected toespecially as a public figuretakes an incredible amount of inner strength, and it calls to mind a thank you Kesha posted on Facebook to her supporters. In the letter, she said, “this issue is bigger than just about me.”

I don’t want my future daughter– or your daughter – or any person to be afraid that they will be punished if they speak out about being abused, especially if their abuser is in a position of power. Unfortunately I don’t think that my case is giving people who have been abused confidence that they can speak out, and that’s a problem. But I just want to say that if you have been abused, please don’t be afraid to speak out. There are places that will make you feel safe. There are people who will help you. I for one, will stand beside you and behind you.

(via Flavorwire)

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