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Adele Declares Support for Kesha, Who Releases Statement on Case Against Dr. Luke

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As the case between Kesha and her alleged abuser Dr. Luke continues, more and more artists have come out of the woodwork to voice their support of the pop star. Just recently, Adele came out to share some words of support as she accepted her award at The Brits.

In light of all this support, Kesha took to Facebook to share a bit of a statement with the public, commenting on the support she’s gotten, and what impact she’d like to see this case have on women in both the music industry and the world at large. As many have said time and again, Kesha’s case against Dr. Luke has been a high-profile example of something that plenty of women face across a wide range of industries. At its core, it is an example of how the world we live in forces women to remain silent about their abuse lest they risk losing their livelihoods or even lives. Judging from this post, it’s clear that Kesha wants this case to change the way people think about abuse and how it relates to our working lives. In particular, she writes:

I don’t want my future daughter – or your daughter – or any person to be afraid that they will be punished if they speak out about being abused, especially if their abuser is in a position of power.

But perhaps in light of her recent court defeat and Dr. Luke’s continuing campaign of doubt, she’s not sure her case is having the intended effect. “Unfortunately I don’t think that my case is giving people who have been abused confidence that they can speak out,” she continues, “and that’s a problem.” Despite that, she wants everyone to know that support is out there, and takes many different forms, often coming from the most unexpected places.

But I just want to say that if you have been abused, please don’t be afraid to speak out. There are places that will make you feel safe. There are people who will help you. I for one, will stand beside you and behind you. I know now how this all feels and will forever fight for you the way perfect strangers have been fighting for me.

You can read her full statement below.

I’m so, so beyond humbled and thankful for all of the support I’vereceived from everyone. Words cannot really express…

Posted by Kesha on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

(via Stereogum, image via oouinouin/Flickr)

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Jessica Lachenal
Jessica Lachenal is a writer who doesn’t talk about herself a lot, so she isn’t quite sure how biographical info panels should work. But here we go anyway. She's the Weekend Editor for The Mary Sue, a Contributing Writer for The Bold Italic (, and a Staff Writer for Spinning Platters ( She's also been featured in Model View Culture and Frontiers LA magazine, and on Autostraddle. She hopes this has been as awkward for you as it has been for her.

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