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Drink for the Glory of the Klingon Empire With New “Warnog” Beer

Does anyone know the Klingon phrase for "Let's get drunk!"

Warnog in Space Can

Want to get drunk like a Klingon? That’s an option you’ll have pretty soon thanks to the Tin Man Brewing Company of Eastville, Indiana and their new Klingon branded Warnog ale.

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The beer is debuting this week at the Nightclub and Bar Show in Las Vegas and will be shipping in the US and Canada later this year. We’ll certainly work on getting our hands on some of this… you know… for journalism and research or whatever. Until we can try it for ourselves, we’ll have to rely on this description they sent us:

This singular beer incorporates rye malt into a modern Dunkelweizen grain bill, creating a flavor profile that is both familiar and unique.  Warnog’s aroma is predominantly mild banana and clove produced by the German wheat yeast, supported by subtle sweet malt character from the use of Munich malt.  The flavor draws heavily from the blending of the rye malt and traditional clove character, creating a very rich and unique flavor.  The inclusion of wheat and caramel malts help to round out the mouthfeel of this beer, making this Dunkelweizen hearty enough to be called a Klingon Warnog.

If Tin Man wanted to go ahead and make a whole bunch of geek-branded beers, we’d be 100% on board.

(via Tin Man Brewing Company)

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Glen Tickle
Glen is a comedian, writer, husband, and father. He won his third-grade science fair and is a former preschool science teacher, which is a real job.

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