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40 Lame Pun Raccoons Just Won’t Leave You a Groan

Puns may be, as the English dramatist John Dennis supposedly mused, “the lowest form of humor,” but if that is the case, then as his pun-loving contemporary Henry Erskine punningly countered, that would make them “the foundation of all wit.” Granted, it can be difficult to maintain such a philosophical stance about puns when they are delivered by a raccoon, as the Internet is fond of doing in yet another one of those Advice Dog spinoffs. Lame Pun Raccoon is one of the more divisive memes out there — some people love it and some people hate it, depending in large measure on their tolerance for groan-inducing wordplay. But we are fans: While Lame Pun Raccoon can be a bit of a windbag, his puns occasionally blow us away.

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Below, marvel as an adorable raccoon recounts 40 terrible puns:

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(all pics via QuickMeme, KYM, Lame Pun Raccoon Tumblr, Reddit, and Smosh.)

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