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Why We’re Doubtful of that Huge Loki Character Reveal

Loki reads files in Loki episode two


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While actor Sophia Di Martino is seemingly revealed to be playing a “Lady Loki” variant at the end of episode two, fans on social media have serious doubts. I’ve also doubted this was the identity of Di Martino’s character since she was cast. Here’s why.

Instead of “Lady Loki” trending, as might be imagined by the incredible reveal at episode’s end, “Enchantress” is currently dominating Twitter. Fans have already discovered a host of reasons why Di Martino may actually be playing the Marvel Comics character Enchantress (specifically, the Sylvie Lushton version) and not Lady Loki. There’s the blonde hair, an Enchantress trademark, yes. But there’s also a seeming abundance of “clues” that this is not a Loki variant.

First, Loki specifically calls the power that he comes up against in the Roxxcart superstore an enchantment. That’s a pretty big neon sign! Shortly thereafter, during a series of vicious fights initiated by the mysterious variant, Loki declares, “I would never treat me like this.” He seems genuinely confused by the reception he gets from the supposed “other Loki.” And when he’s talking to Di Martino’s character through a proxy, the proxy doesn’t want to be called Loki.

As further evidence, I submit a detail I noticed in researching the women of Loki in April—an actress is listed on IMDb as playing “young Sylvie.” So we could be getting Sylvie’s story throughout time, too. Fans also noticed the detail of the character being named as “Sylvie” in some of this episode’s foreign language voice dubbing credits, whereas in English the character is credited as “the Variant.” This seems like evidence that would stand up in court!

For a refresher, here’s what I wrote back then about Enchantress and Di Martino:

If she’s not playing Lady Loki, who are some other possibilities for Di Martino from Loki’s universe? She could be the sorceress Amora, a.k.a. Enchantress, a Thor villain (who was also “in love” with Thor at points) and fellow Asgardian who has occasionally allied with Loki. The powerful and ruthless Amora has shown flashes of heroism in some comics storylines, but has been summarized as ultimately “an opportunist seeking her own ends.” (No wonder she and Loki sometimes get along.) In recent incarnations like the YA novel from Marvel, Loki: Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee, Amora is depicted as a friend and kindred spirit to young Loki.

There’s also a second Enchantress, Sylvie Lushton, who was given her powers by Loki and models herself on the first Enchantress. Considering that the young actor Cailey Fleming is listed as playing one of the few named Loki IMDb characters, “Young Sylvie,” we may indeed be meeting the Sylvie Lushton version of Enchantress.

It appears that we may, indeed, have met this Enchantress. Members of the jury, I’ll let the rest of the Internet present their case:

Now, even if Di Martino is Enchantress, that’s not to say we won’t be seeing Lady Loki on the show, especially after Loki’s genderfluidity was confirmed by Hiddleston and Loki creatives. Enchantress could be working with Lady Loki, or perhaps in Enchantress’s reality, Lady Loki is her enemy (hence the impetus to frame Loki as responsible for time crimes). No offense to “our” variant Loki and Mobius, but I would watch that pair-up causing chaos in their own show in a heartbeat.

One thing is crystal clear: whoever the mystery figure is, they’ve caused a lot of trouble for the TVA and the sacred timeline.

What did you think about the big Loki reveal? Did you notice any other details? Tell us your theories in the comments!

(image: Marvel Studios)

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Kaila Hale-Stern
Kaila Hale-Stern (she/her) is a content director, editor, and writer who has been working in digital media for more than fifteen years. She started at TMS in 2016. She loves to write about TV—especially science fiction, fantasy, and mystery shows—and movies, with an emphasis on Marvel. Talk to her about fandom, queer representation, and Captain Kirk. Kaila has written for io9, Gizmodo, New York Magazine, The Awl, Wired, Cosmopolitan, and once published a Harlequin novel you'll never find.

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