The Most Mischievous Thing About This Loki Ring is That You Can’t Actually Buy It
Not all that glitters is gold
The metalworking team of MI*HUE show us how they put together this stunning ring based on Loki’s helmet in Thor, a.k.a., a thing from the comics that nobody expected to actually work in a movie.
First, the helm gets carved out of hard wax,
And then the horns get added.
Then the wax is used to cast the ring in something a bit more durable.
And now, the sterling silver final piece:
Ironically, MI*HUE are finding the ring design a bit tricky: it’s hard to size, given the angle of the horns, and also takes a week to make. They’ve had a lot of requests for it, but haven’t yet found a way to make it at a price that would encourage people to buy it but also make it worth the time to manufacture. You’ll have to watch their blog for updates.
(via When Geeks Wed.)
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