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Is Love Truly Blind? I Dunno, but Let’s Watch Some People Get Married Too Quickly During Love Is Blind Season 2’s Finale

Is love truly blind?

Love Is Blind season 2
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Spoilers for the finale of Love Is Blind Season 2

The finale of “Red Flags All Around,” also known as Love Is Blind Season 2, is here. This is the moment where the remaining couples finally answer the question, “Is love blind?”

At least, according to the parameters of a reality TV show.

We’ve got five couples to get through since Kyle has been freed from Shaina (granted, SHE had to end things instead of him noticing the blazing red flags around her and her “enjoy being American” family), so let’s walk down the aisle and listen to a pastor force in the show’s title during a recorded ceremony.

Couple: Nick and Danielle

She said: I do

He said: I do?!?!?!

Was I right about this couple: Not. At. ALL!

I SWORE that Danielle’s insecurities would lead to the end of her relationship with Nick. She was constantly starting fights out of paranoia about his commitment to her, to the point that the two didn’t have a single nice moment after they left the pods. Lord, Nick TRIED, but everything he said got twisted into an argument where Danielle would question his loyalty to her.

Even after he did his relationship duty of spilling all the tea about the other couples when she wasn’t around.

But, in the final hour, Nick said, “I do.” He admitted that he had doubts, but in the end, he decided that she was the one. I’m surprised they didn’t argue afterward, but maybe she’s waiting until he sneaks off to everyone else’s wedding to see who didn’t get married.

Boy, oh boy, he’s gonna have some stories to tell.

Couple: Abhishek “Shake” & Deepti

She said: SHE SAID NO! She chose herself! BLESS!!!

He said: After she left, he said they would still be friends (bitch, you think so?!), called it a “net positive,” and decided to party until Monday.

Was I right about this couple: YES! I was absolutely right, and so was Deeps, and so was Shake’s own mother. Shake was hesitating the entire time, going so far as to say he was only 80% sure when he got to the ceremony. Deeps confidently said “no” because she deserves someone who is 100% sure about her, and Shake hasn’t shown her that AT ALL.

So, Deeps chose herself.

Good, because she doesn’t need to be with a man who views her as his aunt???

Shake is pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, to be honest, saying that he was doubtful the whole time and how it’s better that she said no, going so far as to say, “Thank god I didn’t have to say anything.” Shake. My guy. It’s okay to admit that you’re upset and embarrassed as all hell that this woman made you look like a fool, but I suppose that wouldn’t be in Shake’s character.

While I’m thrilled to see these two not getting together (because Deeps deserves SO much better) he really could’ve done all of this before an entire wedding ceremony happened since he knew he was on the fence this whole time. Why even string Deeps along like this? Also, bold of you to assume she would’ve said yes if you said yes, pretty sure she was pretty firm in that no, dude.

God, I’m so glad she walked away. Can I buy her a drink? Does she have a “not married to Shake” registry I can check out? More importantly, is she still friends with Mama Shake?

Couple: Shayne & Natalie

Note: These two had an argument before the wedding, after their bachelor and bachelorette parties. We find out that Shayne told Natalie that he hated her and that she was the worst thing that happened in his life.


He said: I do.

She said: I don’t!

Was I right about this couple: Honestly, I was on the fence about this couple, as it was the one that I thought had the best chance of getting married? However, I still didn’t feel like they were ready to get married and waffled between thinking they might be okay and a desperate plea for Natalie to toss the entire man away.

Knowing that they had such a terrible argument before the ceremony just adds to the fact that they really weren’t ready for marriage, or dating, or going half on a pizza. Drunk or not, telling the woman you’re supposed to marry that you hate her is a tremendous red flag.

Not to mention that Shayne wasn’t being honest about what was said during the argument. He tells his friends something softer, that he wasn’t sure why she’d want to marry him since she’s always taking shots at him. But we hear from Natalie that he said that he straight-up hates her.



Shayne and Natalie didn’t fight as much as Nick and Danielle, but their fights always got tense. Shayne often came off as immature and childish, constantly wanting validation and being upset when Natalie joked around as much as he did. I waffled back and forth on whether they’d make it, but now I have my answer.

Shayne does follow after Natalie after she says no and they talk briefly, but it’s up in the air where they go from here. We still got the reunion episode and these two could pull a Giannina and Damian and announce being together there.

Or maybe he’ll be dating Shaina which, sure, they deserve each other, probably.

Couple: Salvador & Mallory

He said: I cannot!

She said: She told him it was okay then walked away, but she did come back out to talk to him after everyone cleared out of the courtyard.

Was I right about this couple: Yes, but not in the way I expected!

I thought Mal would be the one to say no if anyone was going to say no, but, plot twist, it was Sal! Honestly, he was right to say no. These two truly did feel like a couple that kept using love songs and romantic dates to cover the fact that they were uncertain about each other. Mal would point to issues that weren’t Sal’s fault (like his ex-girlfriend harassing his sisters), not to mention that whole incident with Jarrette.

However, when the two of them talk, they decide to go out on a date and take things slow. It’s clear that they were both on the fence and, honestly, I feel like neither one was going to say yes in the end. But, who knows, maybe they’ll work things out in the future.

There’s not much else to say, this actually had a pretty chill ending.

Couple: Jarrette & Iyanna

He said: I do. I do. I do.

She said: I do.

Was I right about this couple: No, well… kinda?

I had a feeling they would get married, but I kinda didn’t want them to because I felt like Jarrette didn’t deserve Iyanna – no matter how many cute moments they had together. He’s had some red flags every now and then, from the things he’s said to Mal (which I don’t think Iyanna knows about), to telling Iyanna’s parents that the thing he liked best about her was her resilience (fortunately, Iyanna’s mom called him out on that one).

But he swore he would do better. Now we just gotta hope that’s true. Like, the chemistry is obviously there, and Iyanna did tell him about himself so he could work to be better so… I dunno, maybe it’ll be okay.

I mean, they both admit to being thugs, but they’re clearly thugs with hearts of gold. It’s like watching your favorite anime delinquents trying to deny the fact that they’re big ol’ softies on the inside.

And with that, we got two married couples out of six – just like the first season.

On March 4th, we get a reunion episode that will catch us up on what’s happening with the couples, both married and broken up. I’m sure Shaina will be pleased about Shayne and Natalie’s status. Insert vomit emoji whenever I invoke the name, Shaina.

I may have been wrong in thinking that no one was going to get married, but hey, at least Deeps and Natalie said no!

(Image: Netflix)

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Briana Lawrence
Briana (she/her - bisexual) is trying her best to cosplay as a responsible adult. Her writing tends to focus on the importance of representation, whether it’s through her multiple book series or the pieces she writes. After de-transforming from her magical girl state, she indulges in an ever-growing pile of manga, marathons too much anime, and dedicates an embarrassing amount of time to her Animal Crossing pumpkin patch (it's Halloween forever, deal with it Nook)

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