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It’s Official: LucasFilm Confirms that Michael Arndt Will Write Star Wars: Episode VII

May The Force Be With You

In a short update on, LucasFilm has confirmed that Oscar-winning screenwriter Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3, Little Miss Sunshinewill be writing Star Wars: Episode VII, making his hiring the first of the many, many, many Star Wars-related rumors out there to be confirmed.

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I’m just going to go ahead and put another couple of rumors out into the universe in the hopes that they become reality: Han Solo shows up and doesn’t die. Lots and lots of Rogue Squadron. Arndt stays faaaaar away from Kevin J. Anderson‘s Expanded Universe Jedi Academy storyline. A complete and utter lack of Jar Jar and anything referencing him.

It was already reported that that Arndt had written a 40-50 page treatment centering around “a new generation of heroes” with “appearances by Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher in older incarnations of their beloved characters from the original Star Wars trilogy.”

The Hollywood Reporter continues: “Sources have said not to discount the possibility that a number of characters from previous Star Wars films could reappear — even the dead Jedis [sic; the plural of Jedi is “Jedi,” get it together Hollywood Reporter], who have a habit of showing up in spirit form.”

Hmm. Intriguing news. Of course, no plot details—heck, no plot generalities—have been confirmed, only that the script itself is being written by Arndt. Who is now the coolest person in his entire social group. He’s a big Star Wars fan, so maaaaybe now I’m imagining him calling everyone he knew growing up to tell them that yeah, that new Star Wars movie? He’s writing it. But maybe I’m just projecting what I’d do in his situation.

(The Hollywood Reporter, via Spinoff Online)

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