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LulzSec Releases Torrent of Arizona Law Enforcement Data

Hacker collective LulzSec has released a torrent of information it claims belongs to Arizona law enforcement, which is freely available for download, in what they are calling “Operation Chinga La Migra,” something you can look up to find the meaning. The collective claims the torrent contains a large amount of personal data, including personal emails, phone numbers and names.

LulzSec claims the Arizona Department of Public Safety was targeted due to the SB 1070 law, which is a strict anti-immigration law that requires Arizona immigrants to carry documents at all times. Playing Robin Hood seems a little out of the ordinary for the group, whose name and motto states that they operate “for the lulz,” rather than to support some kind of stance.

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The message from the press release, which is actually a text file with a bunch of the released info:

We are releasing hundreds of private intelligence bulletins, training manuals, personal email correspondence, names, phone numbers, addresses and passwords belonging to Arizona law enforcement. We are targeting AZDPS specifically because we are against SB1070 and the racial profiling anti-immigrant police state that is Arizona.

The documents classified as “law enforcement sensitive”, “not for public distribution”, and “for official use only” are primarily related to border patrol and counter-terrorism operations and describe the use of informants to infiltrate various gangs, cartels, motorcycle clubs, Nazi groups, and protest movements.

Every week we plan on releasing more classified documents and embarassing [sic] personal details of military and law enforcement in an effort not just to reveal their racist and corrupt nature but to purposefully sabotage their efforts to terrorize communities fighting an unjust “war on drugs”.

Hackers of the world are uniting and taking direct action against our common oppressors – the government, corporations, police, and militaries of the world. See you again real soon! ;D

Arizona officials have confirmed that the released documents are authentic, which could pose a detrimental safety risk to innocent Arizonan officials who had nothing to with the creation of the law. Has LulzSec turned a corner and is now operating for something other than the “lulz?”

(via TechCrunch)

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