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It’s no secret that the Eisner-winning Lumberjanes – by the crack creative team of Shannon Watters, Noelle Stevenson, and Brooke A. Allen – is one of the best comics of all time: it’s got all different kinds of kick-ass ladies, queer relationships, feminist name-dropping, supernatural evil, and hella radness. Well get stoked, because the Lumberjanes are coming to a big screen near you!

20th Century Fox has optioned the rights to the franchise, and has hired Will Widger to write the screenplay. Widger has previously written not really a damn thing, but his script for The Munchkin, a noir detective thriller, made it onto Hollywood’s 2014’s Black List for best unproduced screenplays. Which, okay, whatever; but seriously, they better get some input from Noelle or, you know, any ladies along the way, because letting a white dude write the Lumberjanes movie seems to defeat the whole purpose.

BOOM! execs Ross Richie, Stephen Christy, and Adam Yoelin will be attached to the film as producers, which gives me a little hope for a consistent vision that stays true to the comics, with Kira Goldberg and Ryan Jones overseeing on the studio side.

Plus, the Lumberjanes team are adorably excited!

Praying to the Holy Kitten that Hollywood doesn’t mess this one up.

[UPDATE: Sources close to the production tell The Mary Sue producers went out to 30 writers, 12 of them pitched, and Widger’s was closest to the comic and was the best movie version of the project. They also told us the script is really close in tone and spirit and character to the comic.]

(via The Wrap)

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Sam Maggs
Sam Maggs is a writer and televisioner, currently hailing from the Kingdom of the North (Toronto). Her first book, THE FANGIRL'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY will be out soon from Quirk Books. Sam’s parents saw Star Wars: A New Hope 24 times when it first came out, so none of this is really her fault.

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