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‘M3GAN 2.0’ is Confirmed! Here’s What We Know

We love you, M3GAN! Please don't hurt us

A queen named M3GAN watching out the window
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Hey, bestie! You didn’t think M3GAN was done, did you? She has so many more friends to make, and so many more enemies to butcher! Good thing she’s now officially getting a sequel to show off her unparalleled best friend skills (to those who are worth her love, that is).

As you may recall, when we last left M3GAN (body: Amie Donald, voice: Jenna Davis), she tried to kill her creator Gemma (Allison Williams) and her best friend in the world the ungrateful good-for-nothing Cady (Violet McGraw). This incident unfortunately left M3GAN without a body, since hers was torn apart, and it’s hard to be a killer doll when you don’t have a body. But M3GAN is resourceful, and we know she’ll find her way back to corporeal form in the sequel.

So what do we know about M3GAN 2.0 so far? Read on, my chickadees!

What’s the plot of M3GAN 2.0?

Since it’s not clear that there’s even a full script yet, it’s hard to know what the plot of M3GAN 2.0 will be. Still, the first M3GAN left some pretty fertile ground to continue the story.

Yes, M3GAN may currently be without a body, but at least she had the good sense to upload her consciousness to the AI in Gemma’s apartment. As Gemma and Cady limp out of the house, having barely escaped M3GAN’s wrath, we see a camera on Gemma’s kitchen counter move to watch them leave. M3GAN may have to bide her time, but she’s already watching and waiting. And we know Gemma can’t resist dangerous experiments in AI robotics.

What made the first M3GAN so satisfying, though, is that it’s not just a killer doll movie—it’s also a heartfelt story about grief. Seeing as the script will be written by Akela Cooper, who also wrote the script for the first film, chances are good that the sequel will also hit some satisfying emotional beats. After all, Gemma and Cady have to learn how to live together, and Cady has to learn to mourn her parents without using a robotic toy as a crutch.

Who’s in the cast of M3GAN 2.0?

Both Allison Williams and Violet McGraw have already signed on to return as Gemma and Cady. That’s all we know so far! But we’re pretty confident that the body count will be just as high as the original film, if not higher. M3GAN dreams big, y’all. She has goals.

When is the release date for M3GAN 2.0?

The movie doesn’t even have a director yet (Gerard Johnstone, who directed the first film, is reportedly in talks to return), but it already has a release date! M3GAN 2.0 is currently slated to come out on January 17, 2025. It’s a long wait, but we’ll make it through this together.

(via The Hollywood Reporter, featured image: Universal Pictures)

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Julia Glassman
Julia Glassman (she/her) holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and has been covering feminism and media since 2007. As a staff writer for The Mary Sue, Julia covers Marvel movies, folk horror, sci fi and fantasy, film and TV, comics, and all things witchy. Under the pen name Asa West, she's the author of the popular zine 'Five Principles of Green Witchcraft' (Gods & Radicals Press). You can check out more of her writing at <a href=""></a>

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