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Nice Try, Marion Cotillard, We Don’t Believe What You Just Said About Your Dark Knight Rises Character

Lies Damned Lies

Christopher Nolan is known for being extra-secrative about his films, especially his Batman films, but that doesn’t stop fans from speculating on the tiniest clues. In the case of Oscar winner Marion Cotillard, who’s playing Miranda Tate in The Dark Knight Rises, there was next to nothing to go on but the actress has gone on the record to shoot down one really big fan theory. Hit the jump to find out what it is. That is, if you want to know, we’ll obviously be discussing spoilery things from here on out. 

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When Cotillard was cast as Miranda Tate, our first thought was, “Who’s Miranda Tate?” She’s not a character from the comics and has been described as a “Wayne Enterprises board member” who will be somewhat friendly with Bruce Wayne. Fans next thought was, “She’s totally going to turn out to be Talia al Ghul!”

Now, why did we come to this conclusion exactly? First off, Nolan loves a big surprise. He caught almost everyone off-guard when it turned out that Liam Neeson’s character of Henri Ducard was really Ra’s al Ghul. Talia is his daughter in the comics and would be an excellent way to bring Nolan’s trilogy full circle. Plus, we found out a while ago that there is a young girl playing “Young Talia” in the film. That role eventually went to little Joey King from Ramona and Beezus.

Another reason we believe Cotillard will still turn out to be Talia is the fact that Neeson is going to be back in his role as Ra’s. Of course, we don’t know if he will appear in flashbacks (he “died” in Batman Begins) or in current time. There’s also an actor cast as “Young Ra’s,” actor Josh Pence.

Cotillard, like other TDKR castmembers, hasn’t been able to talk much about her role or the film in general but did say a few interesting things in a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter.

The actress started filming Knight in June 2011, working on and off until the fall in locations including Los Angeles, New York and Pittsburgh. She says there were long gaps when she wasn’t needed: “It was a very, very small role.”

Hmm. We can’t imagine a character like Talia would have a very small role. But here’s the real kick in the gut.

All she’ll confirm is that, contrary to some fans’ belief, she does not play Talia, the vengeful daughter of Liam Neeson’s character, Ra’s Al Ghul (who also appeared in Batman Begins), and that she takes the role of Miranda Tate, an ecologically minded businesswoman who “is fascinated by Wayne Enterprises. They go through difficulties, and she wants to help provide the world clean energies. She’s a good guy.” But does she stay that way? “Yes,” she insists.

Hey, remember how Ra’s was always obsessed with the environmental balance of the world? Just sayin’.

Has Nolan wised up and realized that in fact, NOT having a surprise twist is what will really surprise his audience? I hope not. It is rather defeating to hear Cotillard say she’s definitely not Talia but it could all be part of a wonderful Prestige-like act on Nolan’s part. We won’t know for sure until July.

And then there’s me who is still convinced Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character of John Blake will turn out to be Dick Grayson and is still holding out hope that Barbara Gordon will show up too. As for the Cotillard/Talia theory, there’s one more very important factor that leads me to believe it will still happen…I’M WILLING IT TO.

(via /Film)

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Jill Pantozzi
Jill Pantozzi is a pop-culture journalist and host who writes about all things nerdy and beyond! She’s Editor in Chief of the geek girl culture site The Mary Sue (Abrams Media Network), and hosts her own blog “Has Boobs, Reads Comics” ( She co-hosts the Crazy Sexy Geeks podcast along with superhero historian Alan Kistler, contributed to a book of essays titled “Chicks Read Comics,” (Mad Norwegian Press) and had her first comic book story in the IDW anthology, “Womanthology.” In 2012, she was featured on National Geographic’s "Comic Store Heroes," a documentary on the lives of comic book fans and the following year she was one of many Batman fans profiled in the documentary, "Legends of the Knight."

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