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Mark Hamill Apologizes For Not Coming to Adam Scott’s Second Birthday Party In Cutest Moment Ever

As you all know, yesterday was Star Wars Day, and last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Adam Scott received the best Star Wars Day surprise ever!

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Kristen Bell was sitting in as host for Kimmel last night, and she was interviewing Scott, in part, to promote Big Little Lies on HBO. Bell asks him to retell a story he told on a previous appearance on Kimmel of how, when he was two years old, he invited Mark Hamill to his birthday party, right around the time of Empire Strikes Back. Sadly, Mark Hamill never showed. He must have been busy that day.

But then that’s when the Star Wars Main Title theme began to play and Mark Hamill entered with a lightsaber to Scott’s clear, shocked delight. Hamill then proceeded to apologize for not coming to his birthday party all those years ago, saying that he already had another birthday party, and a Bar Mitzvah, and a supermarket opening on the same day. Look, Luke Skywalker is a really busy guy, okay?

This is such a sweet moment, made all the sweeter by how clearly meaningful it is to Scott. He’s actively shaking with joy. Awesome too is Hamill’s humble and gracious response to Scott. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be someone who regularly encounters people shaking as they tell you that meeting you  is “one of the best moments of my life.” Like, how can you even respond to something that huge? But Hamill does it, and does it well.

The whole moment is just so gleeful, and we can use all the gleeful moments we can get these days.

I’d love to hear from you! Who is someone in the public eye that you’ve met (Star Wars-related or otherwise) that really got you star-struck and tongue-tied? What meaningful fan encounters have you had? Let’s talk about them in the comments below!

(via Pajiba, image: screencap/ABC)

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Teresa Jusino
Teresa Jusino (she/her) is a native New Yorker and a proud Puerto Rican, Jewish, bisexual woman with ADHD. She's been writing professionally since 2010 and was a former TMS assistant editor from 2015-18. Now, she's back as a contributing writer. When not writing about pop culture, she's writing screenplays and is the creator of your future favorite genre show. Teresa lives in L.A. with her brilliant wife. Her other great loves include: Star Trek, The Last of Us, anything by Brian K. Vaughan, and her Level 5 android Paladin named Lal.

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