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Today In Extremely Appropriate Hiring Choices: Buffy Scribe To Pen Tomb Raider Movie

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That’s another box Marti Noxon can check off on her “awesome female characters I’ve written” Bingo card.

Last we heard of the new Tomb Raider movie there was no talent attached, either on the cast or crew end, but production company GK Films’ partnership with MGM raised our hopes that the film might not languish in development hell for too long. Now it looks like our hopes have been confirmed, as Marti Noxon, a writer/producer with an extensive list of credits but who will always be associated with Buffy the Vampire Slayer in our hearts, has signed on to rewrite the script.

What we know about the film from producer Graham King is that it will be “the story before she became Lara Croft” and as such will be less tied in with the previous two movies than with the recent video game reboot. A previous incarnation of the script was written by Iron Man scribes Hawk Ostby and Mark Fergus, but that was way back before MGM got involved, so it’s not surprising they’ve gone with a new writer. In addition to her work on Buffy Noxon wrote 2011’s Fright Night remake and franchise-starter wannabe I Am Number Four.

There’s no word yet on whether Susana’s wish of Lara Croft video game writer Rhianna Pratchett being brought on to consult will come true, though that would certainly be cool. What do you think of Noxon’s hiring?

(via: SuperHeroHype)

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