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The IT Crowd‘s Maurice Moss Wants To Be the Next Doctor

Peanut Butter and Chocolate

OK, so it would be cooler if Richard Ayoade were the one saying he wants to play the Doctor instead of Facebook’s Maurice Moss doppelgänger, but I don’t even care. I’m having too much fun imagining Moss as Twelve. “I came here to drink milk and save the Earth. And I’ve just finished my milk.” Or, while chasing aliens: “I’ve got a sonic screwdriver! I’ve got a ruddy sonic screwdriver! I’ve got a motherflipping sonic screwdriver!” Or he could be a companion and write an e-mail that goes: “Subject: Alien. Dear Doctor. Alien, exclamation mark. Alien, exclamation mark. Help me, exclamation mark. 123 Carrendon Road. Looking forward to hearing from you. All the best, Maurice Moss.

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I’m sorry, I’m just having way too much fun with this. The fact that I’ve just now discovered the official Reynholm Industries website isn’t helping. Click the warning at the bottom. Trust me.

(Seriously though, Richard Ayoade for Twelve. Make it happen, BBC.)

(Facebook, via Nerd Approved)

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