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Organ Trail Creators Return to Kickstarter With New Game Max Gentlemen

Five Words: Cross Platform Dueling Hat Stacking.

So many hats

After their massively successful 2011 Kickstarter campaign for the Director’s Cut of their hit flash game Organ Trail (Note: Organ Trail = Oregon Trail + zombies. Get on that immediately), The Men Who Wear Many Hats are back with a new campaign to fund their latest irreverent game.

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What started as “an afterthought to a spam email” about penis pills, Max Gentlemen promises to transport gamers to a Victorian era world where, according to the Kickstarter video, “manners have been taken too far.” While other plot details are sparse, the game play and art are there, and really that’s all that matters. You play as gentlemen who stack, collect, and duel with hats. Here’s the video.

While Organ Trail will run you $2.99 for iOS and Android, the plan for Max Gentlemen is to release it as a free game, no time trials or pay-wall here.

Some of the sweet rewards include personalized portraits, art books, shirts, posters, and perhaps the most awesome of all, the option to be a playable character in the actual game. Sadly all the playable character rewards have been claimed, but we do think that’s slightly better than the body pillow they’re offering up, snuggly though it may be.

The trio of developers launched the Kickstarter with a meager $500 goal and have already surpassed that by more than ten times what they need.

We suggest getting on board. These guys make excellent, hilarious games, and are well worth supporting. We’ve yet to play the game, and it’s already on the top of our most anticipated list.

Good luck, gentlemen!

(via Kickstarted)

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