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This Chart Displays All the Insults Tweeted at Megyn Kelly From Donald Trump’s Supporters

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Donald Trump has refused to appear at tomorrow’s Fox News GOP debate; in a statement, the network explained, “This is rooted in one thing — Megyn Kelly, whom he has viciously attacked since August and has now spent four days demanding be removed from the debate stage.” Trump’s response? “They can’t toy with me like they toy with everybody else. So let them have their debate, and let’s see how they do with the ratings.”

I guess Fox News has decided to see how their ratings do without Donald Trump, because they’ve also chosen to stand by their decision to keep Megyn Kelly on as the moderator. In response to this, Trump’s supporters have spent the past 24 hours railing against Megyn Kelly on Twitter.

Vocativ has put together an impressive infographic (embedded above), detailing the prevalence of these gendered insults in the Twitter attacks against Kelly. It’s not so often that we get such a clear picture of how gender-based insults tend to work in this format; almost all of the insults have to do either with Kelly’s gender or her physical appearance or both, and there’s plenty of slut-shaming from Trump supporters in the mix as well.

Although these insults may not come as any big shocker to those of us who are “in the know” about how social media treats highly visible women, it might be helpful as an example case to show people who don’t experience online harassment the types of insults that tend to get levied at women journalists in particular — even conservative ones.

(via Twitter)

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Maddy Myers
Maddy Myers, journalist and arts critic, has written for the Boston Phoenix, Paste Magazine, MIT Technology Review, and tons more. She is a host on a videogame podcast called Isometric (, and she plays the keytar in a band called the Robot Knights (

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