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They Might Be Giants Analyzes the Evolution of the Twitter Bird, Because Sure, Why Not

I found a new tweet underneath my pillow.


Twitter was made for the kind of esoteric snippets of awesome that the Brooklyn-based band They Might Be Giants (@tmbg) revels in, so it makes sense that they’d be pretty into it as a media platform. How into it, you ask? Enough to let all their Facebook followers know how much they enjoy the Twitter logo’s Pokemon-like evolution into a completely different bird. Yeah, we know the bird’s actually called Larry — get it — but just for today, can we name one of these guys Istanbul and the other Constantinople?

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The caption accompanying the image reads as follows:

Seems like the twitter bird has evolved from a blue jay (not a particularly sweet bird) to a blue canary. Right on.

They’re right about that — blue jays are pretty and all, but they can also be total dicks. You know, sort of like Twitter users. Wait, actually, that was a pretty perfect analogy. Can they change the logo back?

(via Facebook, featured image via shawncampbell)

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