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The 10 Most Powerful Superheroes of All Time, Ranked

Dr. Manhattan from The Watchme n sitting alone. Image: DC Comics.
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These heroes have the power of God and anime on their side.

This is going to be the ultimate battle of the multiverse, everyone. We are pulling from all comics, all universes, and all visual mediums to bring you a list of the top 10 most powerful heroes of all time. The strongest characters in anime? They’re here. All those versions of Thor? Under consideration. DC, Marvel, and all of the finest heroes that manga has to offer are all being considered. I don’t know how this battle is gonna turn out, but I do know that the impending battle in the comments section of this article will be far fiercer. Apocalyptic, even. I expect to be called many mean names.

Let’s begin.

10. Thor

(Marvel Comics)

The Hammer of the Gods himself is LAST PLACE on this list, which just goes to show how immensely stiff the competition is. Don’t get me wrong, Thor is one tough cookie. He’s a literal god, and has all the power and fury of a raging thunderstorm! He can call down lightning, punch people into oblivion, and even FLY by using the sheer momentum of his infinitely heavy hammer.

9. Naruto Uzumaki

(Viz Media)

And then the greatest hokage himself will come along and wreck Thor’s day. Thor is strong, sure. But so was Madara Uchiha; so was Kaguya Otsutsuki herself! But Naruto Uzumaki in his prime was able to best them. With the power of the Nine Tailed Fox demon inside him, Naruto Uzumaki is able to go up against the ninja gods himself at the height of his powers. Plus, his ninja training makes him incredibly crafty. Many of these heroes would just run up to Naruto and try to punch him. Joke’s on them when he turns into a log and then a BILLION SHADOW CLONES jump them.

9. Jean Grey

(Marvel Comics)

But those billion Shadow Clones would be INCINERATED by Jean Grey, one of the most powerful mutants in the X-Men universe. She controls a mysterious force called the Phoenix Force, which allows her to basically call down the heat energy of the universe to vaporize everything in her path. And if you don’t know, the universe gets HOT. Like billions of degrees. And she’s able to summon all of this heat instantaneously with her mind.

8. The Flash

(DC Comics)

But instantaneously isn’t fast enough. Jean Grey can use her powers at the speed of thought, but what if there was a hero who could move faster than thought itself. Enter The Flash. You didn’t see him come in, did you? No one did. That’s because he is so fast that he can outrun comprehension. This man is able to run faster than sound, thought, and even light. He even ran faster than the BIG BANG. Jean Grey will never see him coming.

7. Superman

(DC Comics)

But Flash’s speed won’t matter if he can’t do any damage. And how is he going to damage the mighty Superman? All Superman has to do is wait until Flash tires himself out and then punch him once. Or he could fire one of his lasers from his eyes at lightspeed. That should do the trick. This man was able to single handedly face off against the Dark God Apokolips and win. Sorry, Flash, you just can’t catch up.

6. Goku


But Goku from Dragon Ball Z can! The problem with Superman is that he is so strong that he doesn’t train. He is content with his powers as they are because no one can best him. But Goku has a bone to pick with the powerful. Goku is not content to sit on his laurels and be happy with the awesome power he has. He keeps getting stronger. His superhuman will allows him to reach new horizons of power yet undreamed of! If he can’t handle Superman already, you know he will one day.

5. Doctor Strange

(Marvel Comics)

But what happens when Goku faces an enemy who makes his strength irrelevant? Can Goku punch his way out of a spiritual prison? What about an alternate dimension? Doctor Strange is able to use his magic to open interdimensional portals that he can just throw people into. Or worse, what’s Goku gonna do if Doctor Strange turns his fists into pillows? Or frogs? Or smaller Gokus? How will he punch Doctor Strange then? The mind-melting possibilities are endless.

4. Legion

(Marvel Comics)

Yet there shall come a day when Doctor Strange must face off against a mind that is even more powerful than his own. Legion is the son of Professor X, one of the world’s most powerful telepaths, and puts his father’s powers to shame. Legion is able to warp the very fabric of reality with his mind. He doesn’t even need to cast a spell! He just does it with his thoughts!

3. Dr. Manhattan

(DC Comics)

But what if Legion faces a foe who makes his own thoughts irrelevant? What if he faces a foe who is omniscient? One who knows what Legion is thinking and can alter reality accordingly? Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen is a nigh-omnipotent being who is able to create entire universes in the palm of his hand. Can Legion do that? Can he re-arrange the atoms of stars any way he sees fit? And if he could, does he have the knowledge of the fundamental aspects of reality that would make such power meaningful? Doubt it.

2. The Spectre

(DC Comics)

But what would happen if the god-like Dr. Manhattan faces off against the Wrath of God itself? The Spectre was charged by God—yes, GOD—to eliminate evil from the world. And God furnished him with all of the divine powers of an omnipotent deity. Dr. Manhattan may be a god, but God knows that there can only be one all-powerful being in existence—and I don’t think that God will allow Dr. Manhattan to claim that title so easily.

1. One Punch Man


Yet God lives up in heaven, and have you ever wondered why? I think it’s because he fears his creations. Or rather, one singular creation: Saitama. After following a rigorous diet and exercise regimen for three years, Saitama gained the ability to defeat any foe with ONE PUNCH. And yes, I mean ANY FOE. I believe that means even God himself is not safe from the awesome power of One Punch Man. Throw him into another dimension? He’ll punch his way out. Separate his atoms from each other? They’ll punch their way back together again. Saitama is unstoppable, undaunted, and unassailable. Creation quakes before the might of his fists. Good thing he’d rather be playing video games than use them.

(featured image: DC Comics)

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Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.

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