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Watch NASA’s Mars 2020 Teleconference Live Right Here

Yay, space!


NASA sure does love their live stream announcements, and we love them right back. How else would we want to hear more news of NASA’s new report about their upcoming plans for Mars 2020? Because at 3pm EDT, they’re going to hold a teleconference for exactly that purpose. And because we love you, too, we’ve got the live feed right here.

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The conference will include John Grunsfeld, NASA’s associate administrator for science; Jim Green, director of Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters; Jack Mustard, SDT chair and professor of geological sciences at Brown University, and Lindy Elkins-Tanton, SDT member and director of the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Department of Terrestrial Magnetism.

The live stream feed goes live today at 3pm EDT (noon PDT). If you can’t wait that long or don’t have access to streaming-capable Internet, the official report should be going live pretty soon and can be found right here.

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