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Nathan Fillion Dressed As Captain Kirk For Comic-Con [Video]

Is there an alternate reality where this casting can actually happen?

In preparation for Comic-Con, The Hollywood Reporter sat Nathan Fillion down for an interview and one of the most perfect fan-cast photoshoots I’ve ever seen. The future captain of the Enterprise (dare to dream, right?) shared his love for Browncoats (“they […] don’t go away. You meet children who are named for characters on the show. Now I know Firefly will never die”) con-goers that laugh at his “crappy jokes,” and the sci-fi star he geeks out the most for:

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I’ve been fortunate enough to have met William Shatner. That’s a big deal to me. Hearing his voice — I know the man is a stranger to me, but it triggered something inside of me. A familiarity. I feel comfortable when I hear his voice. It’s such a bizarre experience to be actually in his presence.

Oddly enough, that’s exactly how a lot of Firefly and Serenity fans feel about Fillion himself. You can check out the full interview over on The Hollywood Reporter, although he doesn’t answer the question I’m truly curious about: if Mal and Kirk had ever met, would the two have been enemies? Friends? Something more? These are the questions that keep me up at night!

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